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Tag: medical recall

Hernia mesh side-effects: legal advice


If you’re suffering with prolonged or unusual hernia mesh side-effects, we may be able to assist you with the legal advice and representation you may need.

We’re currently representing a group of people who are claiming for hernia mesh compensation having suffered horrendous side-effects from undergoing the procedure. With the risks of complications being as high as 30%, leaving some patients with extensive complications, compensation can be important.

That’s why we’ve agreed to act for the patients we’re already running cases for. If you’re eligible to start a case with us, we may  be able to help you as well.

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Knee replacement bearing recall

unsatisfactory safety information

A knee replacement bearing recall has been initiated by Biomet UK Limited after the discovery that there’s a risk of some of their bearings being placed in the wrong packaging.

According to the available Field Safety Notice published by the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency), left-handed bearings may have been placed in packaging for right-handed bearings. The discovery was reportedly made after a complaint had been received, and the recall that has been put in place affects products distributed this year.

Recalls involving medical devices and medical implants can be quite common. In some cases, the risk of any actual harm to patients is relatively low. However, in some instances, the problems that people can suffer with can be severe.

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Raindrop near vision inlay recall

eye compensation

The Raindrop Near Vision Inlay recall has been initiated due to an increased risk of corneal haze that patients implanted with the devices may experience.

A Medical Device Alert was issued via the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency) a few weeks ago. There’s a warning to not implant Raindrop Near Vision Inlays and to dispose of any unused stock of them.

Any patients who have already been implanted with the inlays are to be monitored, and any incidents and problems are to be reported. This recall follows the recent news coverage about the Oculentis recall, which is one of the compensation actions we’re representing people for.

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Concerns raised over new vaginal mesh guidelines

vaginal mesh implant inquiry

Following last year’s widespread pause, the new vaginal mesh guidelines have been published. Understandably, concerns have been raised that they may not good enough.

We can tell you from experience that the complications and suffering that women can endure when vaginal mesh surgery goes wrong can be horrendous. We’re acting for women on a No Win, No Fee basis who are making claims for personal injury compensation because of problems they’ve experienced. With some women left unable to work or walk ever again, the continued use of these devices must be heavily scrutinised.

Concerns have been raised that the new vaginal mesh guidelines that have been published haven’t considered the experiences of the victims, and don’t go far enough to protect women who may undergo the procedure.

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Elbow implant problems and Stryker recall

medical device alert

If you’re suffering with elbow implant problems, you may want to read this. The recent Stryker recall could be linked to any complications you’re experiencing.

Back in November 2017, a Field Safety Notice was filed for a recall of the rHead Radial Head and the Uni-Elbow prosthesis. In February this year, a medical device alert was put out by the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency). Urgent actin is to be taken, and any patient suffering should seek medical advice.

The problems that could be caused that are linked to this recall can be serious. Having recovered over £1.3m in damages for victims of the PIP implant scandal, as well as representing Claimants in hip implant cases and other medical device actions, these kinds of claims are one of our primary specialisms.

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Are you suffering with valsartan side effects?

drugs alert

If you’re suffering with valsartan side effects, you may want to read this article and take heed of some important information about the drug.

Last year, a Class 1 Medicines Recall was initiated by Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). The recall stems from potential contamination that comes from the production process that could be incredibly serious for anyone affected. In fact, in the US, lawsuits have been active for some time now. When members of the Group Action Lawyers attended a conference in the U.S. last year, it was clear to us just how serious this issue could be.

If you’ve been taking the medication here in the UK and you’ve suffered problems or side effects, we may need to speak with you.

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Are you affected by the bard mesh recall?


If you’re affected by the Bard mesh recall, is there any immediate danger, or is there any action that you need to take?

We can’t say that we’re surprised by the news of the recall. We’ve been advising women for years who have suffered problems and complications that have stemmed from being fitted with a vaginal mesh device. We’re also representing women who are making mesh implant compensation claims.

The company has initiated a recall and has immediately ceased production and distribution in Europe as a result of not wanting to invest further resources in evolving regulations. So, what does this mean for the patients?

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Yet to start your transvaginal mesh claim? Read this now!


If you’ve yet to start your transvaginal mesh claim for compensation, we recommend that you read this urgent advice about your options for justice.

We know that people put off starting a legal case for many reasons. One of the main ones is the worry about having a formal legal claim. But if you leave it too late, you risk being unable to claim at all.

There can be a number of timeframes involved in a case like this, and we’ve had to turn people away in the past who have missed deadlines to claim. We don’t want you to miss out on your chance for justice. With that in mind, here’s a little useful guidance about making a transvaginal mesh claim for compensation.

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Starting your vaginal mesh lawsuit with us

medical device recall

Starting your vaginal mesh lawsuit with the Group Action Lawyers, if you’ve yet to do so, can be quick and easy.

In the UK, there has been legal actions going on for quite some time. However, it’s taken a while for regulators and the NHS to really act on vaginal mesh complications that people are suffering from. Only last year did the NHS finally put a widespread pause on the use of mesh implants, pending further investigations. Although there are still few definitive answers we need in terms of the problems people are suffering from, we’re taking legal action for women who are suffering with problems.

We’re calling on anyone who has yet to initiate a vaginal mesh lawsuit in the UK to contact our team as soon as possible.

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Start your Oculentis claim today

court orders payout

If you’ve yet to start your Oculentis claim, here’s some information about getting started today. It’s important to claim as soon as you can.

If you’re one of the hundreds of people who have suffered with opacification problems having been fitted with intraocular lenses manufactured by Oculentis, you may have a claim for compensation. The blind spots and cloudiness in the vision can be caused by calcification from phosphate that was previously used in the manufacturing process.

The way to correct the problem is to have further surgery for the lenses to be replaced. You may be able to claim personal injury compensation for having to undergo the further surgical procedure.

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