Helping victims claim Group Actions worldwide

PIP Breast Implant Group Action Claims

Hundreds of thousands of women across many countries were fitted with PIP Breast Implants, that contained industrial grade silicone!

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UPDATE: The deadline for joining the UK Group Litigation Order (GLO) Action has passed and we cannot accept any new claims against clinics in the UK.

If we can help you in the future we will update the page.

UPDATE: Our deadline for joining the French action against German regulators TÃœV Rheinland has now passed.

If we can help you in the future we will update the page.

What has Happened?

Some 400,000 women across 65 different countries where fitted with PIP Breast Implants, that contained industrial grade silicone instead of medical grade silicone, and were liable to rupture due to having poorer quality shells.

French company Poly Implant Prothèse fraudulently used cheaper industrial grade silicone for implants with shells that were more susceptible to rupture. In the UK alone some 47,000 women had been fitted with the dangerous implants, with thousands suffering ruptures because of the lower quality shells, and thousands suffering severe problems related to the leak of the industrial grade silicone in to their bodies.

Do I Have a Claim?

UPDATE: We have successfully recovered damages for many of the clients we have acted for. Millions of pounds in damages have been recovered for victims across the UK and the French legal action against TÃœV Rheinland is still going through the French courts.

If you received PIP implants privately then you can claim using the Supply of Goods and Service Act 1982. The implants are not fit for purpose; not of a satisfactory quality; and are not as you thought they were.

If you were told they would be giving you industrial grade silicon with implants having poorer shells, we expect you would have refused their services!

You can potentially claim against a clinic or a surgeon if the contract is with the surgeon, but with many clinics having liquidated some time ago, and with many not being insured, you can also claim if you paid for any part of the surgery using a credit card.

Am I Entitled to Compensation?

Each case has to be assessed on a case-by-case basis, but if you have been supplied with PIP breast implants, we are confident we can investigate a case for you.

We can investigate if the clinic who supplied the implants has insurance; or, if you paid by credit card, we should be able to help you anyway. There are several time limits to claim so you must act as fast a possible to secure the best chance at winning a claim. If you received the implants as part of a private treatment and the date of the surgery was within the last six years then we should be able to help you.

For free and no obligation advice about your chances of claiming please contact us on 0800 634 75 75. Even if your implants haven't ruptured you can still claim so please do get in touch.

Will I Win My Case?

We are expecting there to be a fight on our hands because the clinics and insurers responsible may end up having to pay out millions of pounds in compensation to victims. In large Group Action cases the Defendants will often try and dispute liability from the start.

UPDATE: The next trial window for the UK GLO claims has now been set for October 2016

With finances and insurance uncertain, it's hard to tell. Many clinics have not been able to cope with the volumes of people affected who are desperately trying to get answers from surgeons and book appointments for removal and replacement surgery.

What we do promise though is to fight tooth and nail for anyone who asks for our help, and we will do all we can to fight for your rights to compensation.

We have teamed up with specialist barrister Richard Miles and our experienced Group Action Lawyers are here to help.

What's the Cost to Claim?

UPDATE: due to law changes in April 2013 any new cases accepted after April 2013 may not be eligible for the 100% compensation and No Win, No Fee guarantee.

Cases in the French courts are also different due to the different jurisdiction and rules that apply over there.

We can assess your claim over the phone and if we are happy to help you then we can offer you a Genuine No Win, No Fee agreement. Our agreement is unique and specially tailored to make sure you are not at risk of any unnecessary costs of our legal representation.

The No Win, No Fee does exactly what it says on the tin; if the claim is unsuccessful we won't charge you a penny as we can write our legal fees off. We can do this because we are confident we can win the claim when we offer to represent you on our No Win, No Fee arrangement.

If your case wins then we will be seeking our fees directly from the other side. Our Genuine No Win, No Fee means that we will also limit the fees to what we do recover, which most other law firms don't do. This extra part of our unique agreement means that you are guaranteed to receive 100% of your compensation because we agree to limit our fees to what we recover. This is of course subject to your cooperation with the terms of the agreement.

UPDATE: for those cases we have settled in the UK action, ALL our clients have received 100% of their payout!

What Can I Claim for?

If the claim is successful you can claim for various things.

A claim like this is formed from two parts: General Damages, and Special Damages.

General Damages in these cases is for the pain, suffering, and loss of amenity caused can which include:

  • Pain and suffering of having to have the further revision surgery
  • Suffering caused by ruptures generally
  • Suffering from silicon leaking in to your lymph glands
  • Suffering for the removal of lymph nodes
  • Anxiety, stress, and general worry caused

Special Damages is for losses and expenses caused as a result of what's happened, which in these claims will typically include:

  • Cost of revision surgery
  • Cost of scans or general medical appointments
  • Lost earnings from time off work following the revision surgery
  • Travel expenses to and from various appointments
  • Care and assistance from the suffering following the revision surgery

Having seen images of ruptured implants and having seen the damage caused, we can vouch for victims first hand - what they have gone through is truly horrendous.

Our Pledge

There is a lot to be said for strength in numbers, and we have pledged to fight tooth and nail for the victims affected by the scandal. We know how hard it has been for those affected and we will do all we can to fight for justice for anyone suffering as a result of what's happened.

IMPORTANT: Our view is that the key timeframes for claiming have passed. This is not to say you cannot claim at all, but in our view, any new claim brought now is unlikely to succeed.

You can still contact us and we will see if we can help but we are sorry to say that it may now be too late.

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