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Tag: elbow implants

Elbow implant problems and Stryker recall

medical device alert

If you’re suffering with elbow implant problems, you may want to read this. The recent Stryker recall could be linked to any complications you’re experiencing.

Back in November 2017, a Field Safety Notice was filed for a recall of the rHead Radial Head and the Uni-Elbow prosthesis. In February this year, a medical device alert was put out by the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency). Urgent actin is to be taken, and any patient suffering should seek medical advice.

The problems that could be caused that are linked to this recall can be serious. Having recovered over £1.3m in damages for victims of the PIP implant scandal, as well as representing Claimants in hip implant cases and other medical device actions, these kinds of claims are one of our primary specialisms.

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