Helping victims claim Group Actions worldwide

Category: Data Breach Compensation

NHS snooping data breaches – claiming compensation

NHS snooping data breaches

Any NHS snooping data breaches can cause significant distress for those who are affected, and we can represent victims of such incidents on a No Win, No Fee basis.

One of the major medical data breach group actions that we represent people for involves a mass NHS snooping event, and we have represented a number of individuals for such cases over several years. The GDPR entitles us to control who knows what about us, and if this fundamental right is breached, those affected could be entitled to recover damages.

You can speak to our team for free, no-obligation legal assistance here now.

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Representative legal actions: speak to our Group Action experts

representative legal actions

Representative legal actions are matters that our Group Action Lawyers can take forward on a No Win, No Fee basis for eligible claimants.

We have a significant degree of experience in fighting for the rights of people involved in group and multi-party action cases, working in this area of law for over a decade. Our expert team is available to speak to you about any potential new action, or joining a current action, and all you need to do is contact us here now.

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Group actions for data breaches

group actions for data

We have launched a significant number of group actions for data breaches, leaks and hacks in the UK, with these types of cases now making up for the majority of the large actions that we pursue for people.

We do not expect the rate of new incidents to slow down, and we expect that we will continue to represent significant numbers of people for privacy compensation cases. Given that one small issue or a single cyberattack could affect potentially millions of people, it stands to reason as to why group and multi-party cases now commonly involve some form of privacy matter.

To discuss privacy compensation cases for group and multi-party actions, please do not hesitate to contact our team here now for free, no-obligation legal advice.

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No Win, No Fee Group Action Compensation Claims

No Win, No Fee

We are The Group Action Lawyers, and we represent thousands of people engaged in group action and multi-party claims on a No Win, No Fee basis.

As we are true believers in access to justice, this is the only way that we would want to work, and we commit our promises in writing and do exactly what we say we will. We will briefly explain what it means to represent people in this way for us, and explain a little bit about our specialism and what we do.

To speak to the team for free, no-obligation legal advice, simply contact us here now.

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Virgin Media data breach compensation action

Virgin Media data

Our Group Action Lawyers are pursuing a compensation action arising from the Virgin Media data leak that took place between April 2019 and February 2020.

As this data leak started several years ago, anybody who has yet to pursue a claim is at risk of missing out, and we are at an advanced stage for those who we represent. Our group action claim consists of thousands of people who are claiming with us on a No Win, No Fee basis – you can find out if you are still eligible to claim by starting the case process here now.

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Data breach class action – our speciality

data breach class action

A data breach class action – or group action as it is often referred to as in the UK – can allow for the efficient pursuing of many different cases that have similar issues.

These usually stem from a single event that has affected many people, such as a cyberattack or a mass data leak of information. It is much more efficient to group cases together and deal with all the similar and identical issues rather than having to spend time with many cases in many different courts across the UK.

As we are involved in dozens of group and multi-party actions for data breaches, this is a particular expertise of ours. You can speak to our team here for free, no-obligation legal advice now.

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SIXT Data breach event – legal advice

SIXT data breach

The SIXT data breach event is understood to have stemmed from a cyberattack, with those who are potentially affected being notified about what has happened.

We have already taken instructions forward to pursue claims on a No Win, No Fee basis, and this event may lead to a group or multi-party legal case. If you have received confirmation that you have been potentially affected by this incident, please do not hesitate to contact our legal team for free, no-obligation legal advice here now.

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Arden University Data Breach Group Compensation Action

Arden University data breach

Our team is representing a number of individuals who have received confirmation that they have been affected by the Arden University data breach.

Given that potentially tens of thousands of people may be affected by this incident, this may form into a group or multi-party legal case for compensation. Having assessed what has happened, we have agreed to take legal action forward on a No Win, No Fee basis for those who we represent.

You can speak to our legal team for free, no-obligation legal advice about joining the group action for compensation here now.

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NHS data breach legal action

NHS data breach legal action

An NHS data breach legal action for compensation could encompass hundreds, thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of people bringing their cases in an efficient way together.

As our name confirms, we are The Group Action Lawyers which means that we specifically specialise in this niche and complex area of law. We represent thousands of people in dozens of group action cases, including for some of the most infamous events: such as the emissions issues arising from the “Dieselgate” scandals, and many data breaches such as the British Airways cyberattack and the Equifax hack.

We can provide No Win, No Fee legal services to eligible clients who place their case with us. Our team is also able to provide free, no-obligation legal advice here now.

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The Equifax group action for compensation

Equifax group action

The Equifax group action is a case for compensation that has been ongoing since 2017 when news of the cyberattack hit the headlines and people were notified of their involvement.

Victims of the hack could be entitled to claim compensation for any distress that has been caused by the loss of control of their personal information. They may also be entitled to claim for any losses and expenses that might have arisen as a result of fraud and theft, but you do not need to have lost any money to be able to claim.

You may still be in time to pursue a claim – we strongly recommend that you contact our team here now for free, no-obligation advice to find out, if you have yet to start your case.

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