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Tag: tesla

Regulators say Tesla Autopilot to take partial blame for fatal 2016 crash

tesla autopilot investigation

Investigators have suggested that Tesla’s auto-driving system is to take some of the blame for a fatal 2016 crash. They have recommended that the ‘Tesla Autopilot’ system be declared as a contributing factor in the tragic incident because it allowed the driver to go for long periods of time without looking at the road or taking control with the steering.

This news may serve as a stumbling block with the U.K. set to allow for autonomous vehicles to be on the roads in the next few years. Are they safe? What are the dangers? Who is liable if things go wrong? These are questions that need answering before such technology is allowed on our very busy roads.
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Who is to blame for Tesla car crash in Minnesota?


A 58-year-old driver of a Tesla car was involved in a car crash in Minnesota on the 17th July 2017. The high tech vehicle, produced by Elon Musk’s Tesla car company, is installed with ‘self-driving’ technology that’s designed to assist drivers in their journeys with automatic driving capabilities.

However, they’ve come under huge scrutiny after a number of incidents have led to crashes that have fuelled calls that the technology just isn’t ready yet; and certainly isn’t safe.

In this incident, police authorities reported that the driver had “engaged the self-driving mode” when it “suddenly accelerated, causing the car to leave the road and overturn”.

So, was this human error or technological error?
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