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Tag: diet pills

Consumers warned about buying diet pills online

experts warn of buying diet pills online

The internet has opened up a wealth of opportunities for consumers to find new suppliers in all market sectors, but one of the more popular ones is the health and beauty market. The option for shopping for diet products with discretion is often a bonus for consumers, but with the growth of platforms like Amazon and eBay, there are new warnings about purchasing diet pills online.

Some experts have warned against people putting their faith in buying diet pills online, and regulators have already stepped in over the kinds of claims the suppliers and manufacturers are making.
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Servier to face French Courts over deaths reportedly linked to diet pill

Pharmaceutical drug maker Servier are set to be facing French prosecutors in Court over hundreds of deaths that have reportedly been associated with its weight-loss pill, Mediator.

Once marketed as a diabetes treatment, the drug was widely prescribed as a diet-pill as it apparently helped to suppress appetites. However, it has since been linked to over 500 deaths in France, becoming one of the nation’s worst health scandals.

The U.K. never authorised the drug, but Mediator may have nonetheless found its way across the channel through online markets.
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