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Category: E-Cigs

May 18, 2018
More research required over the dangers of e-cigarettes

More research is required over the potential dangers of e-cigarettes, regulators say.

Although manufacturers can apply for product licensing through the UK’s MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency), no licensed e-cigarettes are reportedly being marketed.

It’s the long-term health effects that remain the biggest unknown. The government regulators have identified that, still, further research into e-cig use is needed to be able to have a clearer understanding as to the risks and / or the potential benefits when compared to traditional smoking.

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new research into exploding e-cigs
April 25, 2018
“Smoke” from e-cigarettes linked to DNA damage and increased health risks

“Smoke” from e-cigarettes has been linked to DNA damage and increased health risks, scientists have warned.

Tests conducted on mice indicated that exposure to e-cigarette smoke (or rather the vapour that the devices produce) could increase the risk of DNA damage, leading to higher risks of cancer and heart disease.

The hotly-debated tobacco replacement products have soared in popularity off the back of claims that they’re far safer than smoking, but with the industry still in its infancy, there are still a number of unknowns when it comes to their overall safety.
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new research into exploding e-cigs
March 19, 2018
Is there a link between E-cigarette design and dangers from e-cig battery explosions?

The E-cigarette revolution continues to spread, but as the products have become more popular and are now attracting plenty of players in the market, we have seen incidents and research that has questioned their effectiveness as well as their safety.

A hot topic right now is the stories about e-cig explosions. We have seen incidents around the world where victims have been left with serious burns after their e-cig batteries exploded, with some left with serious burns and permanent damage to the facial area.

Now, some experts believe there is a direct link between the design of the e-cigarette and the potential for damage from explosions.
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February 02, 2018
Vaping and the reported health risks

A lot of people believe that using e-cigarettes instead of conventional cigarettes is much healthier because they don’t contain tar. However, vaping can still reportedly carry adverse health problems like a dry cough, throat irritation, shortness of breath and lasting implications like lung inflammation.

The chemicals used in some e-cigs are also identified as carcinogenic. So, just how safe are these alternative devices? With their growing popularity and the huge variety of flavours and tastes, from chocolate, to coffee, to fruit, is there anything to worry about? Or are the worries just diluting from the fact that they’re intended to be a suitable alternative to smoking but without the risks associated with real tobacco.
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December 20, 2017
E-cigarettes may increase risk of lung diseases and be just as bad for health as cigarettes!

The introduction of the E-cigarette has been hailed as a revolutionary modern alternative to cigarettes, often seen as healthier because they don’t contain tobacco or the assortment of other harmful chemicals found in traditional cigarettes. However, some studies suggest that E-cigs can be equally as harmful because the cocktail of chemicals they do contain may be causing inflammatory diseases.

If this is found to the the case, where does the E-cig revolution go from here?
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e-cig claims
December 13, 2017
Your e-cig could be an explosion waiting to happen – according to some news sources and reports

The popularity of the e-cig is hard to miss. From numerous pop-up e-cig shops in towns and centres, to clouds of scented vapour everywhere you turn, e-cigs really are everywhere.

Hailed as healthier than traditional cigarettes, the battery-powered alternatives do not contain tobacco, tar, or carbon monoxide in the vapour produced. However, these benefits may be overshadowed by reports of horrifying risks of explosion.

One man in the U.S. has shared his story of an e-cig battery exploding in the trouser pocket, severely burning his leg.
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